The Sisterhood

For years suit companies have been around for one reason… to make you a sparkly bikini. It seems every athlete is now “sponsored” by some company, which really just means they get cheaper or free bikinis and maybe some swag. What we wanted to do was actually SUPPORT our athletes in a way that was more than a bikini… that involved COMMUNITY, PASSION and MINDFULNESS. Well and of course, sparkly bikinis and swag too.


Ok, you’re stepping on stage. It’s a BIG DEAL. Whether this is your first show, or 100th, there’s a level of stress and commitment involved that non-competitors just dont understand. I truly believe that this is why having a killer support system is SO important to your success. Competition teams are great, but we wanted to take all thoughts of politics, competitiveness, and whatever other stigmas go with those team names and provide a place where the sole focus is YOU the athlete.

This is why I created The Sisterhood. Its a community built on the love of the sport, fostering support, motivation and inspiration. Making your suit has been an HONOR, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to create an online space that was SAFE and provided real VALUE for YOU. I wanted to launch a SUBSCRIPTION BOX in order to send my girls even more goodies. I wanted to provide a way to get UNLIMITED RENTALS because we’ve seen how much you love that rental collection!

“It’s time that we’re more than sparkly bikinis.”

A little over a month ago we invited some of the AmandaLouise VIPs to become Founding Sisters. You can check them out HERE. They’re the first “class” of ladies to join us and I am SO DAMN EXCITED. You’ll see that we have everything from IFBB Pros, to first time preppers in here. This is not some elite group where you need a bazillion followers and Olympia worthy glutes to be part of the “cool club.” This is a true sisterhood where you come as you are and get the love and support you DESERVE.

So here’s the skinny.

The Online Community

The first part of The Sisterhood lives online through a Members Only section of the website, and a private Facebook Group. In the Members Only area you’ll have access to incredible resources like our Mindful Competitor Program (a 13 week mindfulness course designed FOR YOU THE COMPETITOR), peak week printables, and our competition budget tracker. We’ll be adding TONS of things here as we learn what topics are HOT within the group.

The Facebook Group is where we’ll have our authentic conversations and provide the SAFE place to ask questions, share struggles, celebrate wins, and everything in between. It’s also where we’ll host monthly Q&A sessions with myself and special guests!

The Subscription Box

Ok, this is probably what I’m most excited about simply because it’s been on my vision board for FOUR YEARS. As part of The Sisterhood you get a subscription box filled with items that picked out for our community! Depending on your membership, you’ll get 3-4 boxes per year worth well over $1,000. Want to check out one of our Founding Sisters doing an unboxing of her Welcome Box??? Watch THIS VIDEO. You can expect things like posing suits, team robes, beachwear, apparel, beauty products and MORE!


The third part of The Sisterhood is of course, the sparkly bikini. One of the memberships available includes UNLIMITED RENTALS. Like, totally unlimited. Photoshoot next weekend? Free suit. Competing in 3 shows back to back? Get three different suits! I wanted a way for ladies to be able to try as many colors in front of the judges as they wanted, but also have access to the collection for things OFF the stage (like photoshoots.) So, if you’re ramping up for a big 2020 competition season, this could be your perfect fit!

If you’re not into renting, the other option available when it comes to bikinis is that Sisters (aka. members of The Sisterhood) have access to a 12 month payment plan on all competition bikinis. WE DO NOT OFFER THIS ANY OTHER WAY. This is great if you’re looking to get into that dream bikini, but want to spread out the payments without putting it on a high interest credit card.

Are you ready to join us? I mean, new besties, a subscription box AND sparkly bikinis??? It’s a no brainer ;)

Sending all the love and epic vibes…

Amanda Freick